
Helping cook a Tortilla

The children wanted to help me cook supper. I often do a bit of cooking in the afternoon so the food is ready after the school run and I can then spend more time with the small ones after their naps. Today I was making a Spanish tortilla with home grown potatoes and chard as well as feta and sweet potato. First we went out in the garden to pick some herbs: mint and bay leaves and they enjoyed smelling them. We also have lavendar, thyme, lemon balm, parsley and basil growing so the garden is a brilliant place for the children to explore their senses.
Both children wanted to see the tortilla veggies cooking so they knew they needed a step each and went to find them, good team work! We talked about it being hot and not to touch the pan so it's a good learning experience about safety.
When the veg was done I said I needed some helpers to smoosh the eggs and there were lots of giggles and shouts of me me! I showed them how to bash/tap the eggs and break them into the bowl then they beat them up really well.
Final result- ta da! Should probably have taken pics of the empty plates! My youngest baby ate 2 portions and he's not always the best eater so obviously a big hit. I usually serve it with ham and we call it a Green Eggs and Ham and read pages from that brilliant books hitch the kids all love!