
Tooting Leisure Centre Playzone

The summer holidays need great activities to take kids to so the balls pit and playzone is fabulous fun! After I tried to bury my little daughter in them she still managed to wriggle out giggling! I was amazed she had any energy left after a good session in the teaching pool practicing her under water swimming from Water Babies lessons I take her to on a Friday (when I'm not childminding!).


Picnic on the Common

Thank goodness I took advantage of the good weather while we had it and took the kids for plenty of picnics on the common. On this particular day we met some friends, sat on a rug under a lovely tree (babies in the shade, mum's legs in the sun!) played and tried to eat leaves-that's the babies not me....and then they crashed out for a lovely nap in their buggy before a stroll home in the sun. Shame about the weather for the rest of the summer!


Play Dates

Play dates are a perfect way to create an instant playgroup full of all your favourite friends-both for the babies and the mums. Not to mention great support for me when I have more children than everyone else and need to change a nappy -I know the babies are safe in other child friendly houses. And of course there's a whole new selection of great toys to play with. On this day the babies all stood around this playcentre and looked so cute, amazing to see how strong their little legs are getting.