I consider myself really lucky to have such a fantastic NCT group. We all get on so well and are a brilliant support to each other having developed some lovely friendships. We generally meet every week and have been out about as well as eating cakes at each others houses!
On this lovely sunny day in April we went to the Horniman Gardens for a walk and lovely sit-down on the grass -in the shade of course even though it was lovely and sunny. (I think before becoming mothers we would all have been in the sun!) One of the group lives nearby and kindly provided cake and tea before our walk so we couldnt really call it a picnic for the mums but the babies did eat some rice crackers! The view from there is stunning and looking at the animals in the little mini-zoo (goats, rabbits and geese) was fun and great to see the babies' reactions.
In the picture I am in my favourite position-surrounded by babies!!!