Story time is a really important time of the day and we have lots of lovely books to choose from.
Messy Play
Children love messy play and we have great fun painting, sticking and glueing, squashing playdough and feeling cornflour. Recently we went to go to Faylands with a friend but it was shut, so not be outdone we came home and got all the paints out for everyone to get creative. Everyone was covered in glitter paint myself included!
Yeah!!!! I got an OUTSTANDING Grade from Ofsted at my first Inspection in November. All my hard work preparing my paperwork and demonstrating to the Inspector how well children are cared for really paid off. I was presented with these fabulous flowers at the Childminders Christmas Party and it was great to get the recognition of all my committment and love of children.
Birthday Teas
Whenever one of the children have a Birthday it's a great chance for a Party and some more cake! When one of the older children was 8 recently we had a lovely party after school and our neighbours kids came up to join us too. Inviting my NCT group creates an instant party too! I love my Nigella book and although not quite in domestic godess realm I have a go at some of her cakes and they usually turn out to be quite delicious.
Cleared Garden
It's a Kids thing
This is a great place in Earlsfield with a fab ball pit and lots of climbing fun for the children. I took the children for an afternoon along with my NCT Group and despite some crying-to be expected! most of the children had a fun time and enjoyed playing on the bouncy cushions and wading through the balls. The mums and childminders present enjoyed some tea and cake of course!
When will it be ready!?
The work commences...
Our jungle
Our New Garden
We have been celebrating because we finally own our new land we have purchased behind our current (tiny) garden. We feel so lucky to live in London and be able to gain more outside space. We have already bought the first essential item-this wonderful child bench which will eventually find a lovely spot for them to sit on between gardening or just playing outside. We have a LOT of work to do before that can happen as it's so overgrown, but at least we have already been enjoying the delicious apples from our very own apple trees and the kids even had some yummy home-made apple crumble for lunch this week! Watch this space for some pictures of the jungle as we begin to tame it.
Fire Drill Practice
Because fire safety is so important for the children to understand from an early age, we make it a fun game. The older children made a fire escape plan which is on the wall in the playroom and we practice leaving the house safely and calmly. This is something we talk about regularly so the children know what to expect in case we ever had to. Lets hope not!
Our new friend
Despite being off for the whole summer for a well earned rest (and some very wet camping in Wales) I did some settling in sessions with my new little boy who has now joined me for 2 days a week. He and my daughter have taken a real shine to each other and give each other hugs and kisses at any opportunity -so sweet. He has settled in really well now and although having 3 small ones to care for is tough at times, it's also very rewarding as I get to watch them developing and learning together. They all get on famously well and haven't really learned to fight over toys yet...sure that won't be too far away though!
Tooting Leisure Centre Playzone
Picnic on the Common
Thank goodness I took advantage of the good weather while we had it and took the kids for plenty of picnics on the common. On this particular day we met some friends, sat on a rug under a lovely tree (babies in the shade, mum's legs in the sun!) played and tried to eat leaves-that's the babies not me....and then they crashed out for a lovely nap in their buggy before a stroll home in the sun. Shame about the weather for the rest of the summer!
Play Dates
More Swings

Swinging around!

1o' Clock Club

The Triangle Club near Balham is great fun and very spacious with lots of great baby toys. It's also a lovely walk through the Common so we often stop and look at the ducks on the pond on the way. It's a long walk though so I'm really pleased to hear that there is a new 1o' Clock Club opening at Faylands which will only be a 15 minute walk away-fantastic!
Getting to know each other

The babies getting to know each other! They had a lovely snuggle in the playnest and I doesnt mind sharing her toys at all. This pic was taken in April when we were doing some 'settling in sessions' during the month to really make sure that we all got to know each other as well as our routines properly. It made such a difference and I have now had L for a week and we are getting along famously.
Horniman Gardens

I consider myself really lucky to have such a fantastic NCT group. We all get on so well and are a brilliant support to each other having developed some lovely friendships. We generally meet every week and have been out about as well as eating cakes at each others houses!
On this lovely sunny day in April we went to the Horniman Gardens for a walk and lovely sit-down on the grass -in the shade of course even though it was lovely and sunny. (I think before becoming mothers we would all have been in the sun!) One of the group lives nearby and kindly provided cake and tea before our walk so we couldnt really call it a picnic for the mums but the babies did eat some rice crackers! The view from there is stunning and looking at the animals in the little mini-zoo (goats, rabbits and geese) was fun and great to see the babies' reactions.
In the picture I am in my favourite position-surrounded by babies!!!
Noddy Train Ride

What fun! I have been walking down to Muddyford Spit on many occaisions but never before had the excuse to get on the little train ride. We went with I. and our twin neice and nephew who are 10. We all loved it and especially I. who was giggling and trying to look out of the window. It made me feel young again and I think this has got to be one of the best advantages of having children around you!
Horniman Museum Aquarium
The Horniman Museum now has a fantastic little aquarium in the basement. I took my baby and went with 2 friends and their babies. In fact I am now minding one of the babies! We all loved it there and especially the babies who were really transfixed by the fish and amazing colours. My daughter was even trying to catch the fish as they swam past the glass and couldn't quite understand why she wasn't able to touch them! What a wonderful place to bring children. Not to mention that the lunch in the cafe is also quite good for mums and dads.
Tooting Library

What fun! The Librarian clearly was a little awkward and didn't really do any kind of introduction and launched into reading from a pile of books in a kind of haphazard way...but once she got going was actually pretty good. She included all the children present in the activities such as opening the 'doors' in stories and doing the actions for songs and rhymes. She even joined in and did the actions herself and at one point even had her head on the floor and foot in the air (with a pencil skirt on!!). Every child got a sticker and the play time afterwards was a fun time reward for all the sitting patiently listening. Great way to encourage children to be into books which is a great plus as far as i'm concerned!
Tooting kids stuff

Have been checking out lots of exciting things in Tooting and beyond to do with children.
Over the last couple of weeks have been to
- Baby Music at the Childrens Development Centre in Tooting. This is totally fab and the teacher Margaret is brilliant with loads of energy, making every effort to engage with all the children and carers there. My daughter seemed to love it as did all the other children there.
- Baby massage course which lasted 5 weeks and gained lots of great skills and confidence in knowing how to touch babies and children to make them feel relaxed, happy and loved.The picture is of I having a massage when she was really tiny and didnt wriggle at all!
- Furzedown Family Centre drop in. Lovely relaxed atmosphere and so welcoming. My friends baby and mine (both 6 months old) loved the stimulation of new toys and meeting other children.
Tommorrow off to the Library for Rhyme time... watch this space for a review
Welcome to my webpage

My full website will be available soon, please me email at if you have any queries about my childminding service which started this spring. I currently have vacancies particularly for school pick up from Furzedown Primary school. My main vacancies are for over one year olds from September (ideally nearer age of two or above). I am also willing to be flexible depending on the hours required so please contact me to discuss your needs.
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